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I Believe in Paying it Forward


Child Abuse is horrific and the effects of abuse can and will last a lifetime; not only with the victim but also their family. Sometimes it requires counseling, hospitalization and surgery. There are excellent organizations who work hard both nationally and locally to help these victims to process the abuse and live normal lives. As a result, I am donating a portion of each sale of Dani: Throwaway Child to assist victims of child abuse. 

Help, Please . . . Book Exerpt


"Several days passed without word from Dani. There hadn’t been many calls from her between our appointments, but considering the circumstances I anticipated receiving an emergency call, but none came. I started to feel somewhat unsettled and decided to call her.


"I made the call but there was no answer. Knowing she was a busy mom with kids in school and running a household, it didn’t cause me any worry. I would try again another time.


"Later that night my family had just finished dinner and I was just settling down to relax with them and play a board game. My cell phone vibrated indicating there was a new text message. The two words on the screen sent my heart racing.







Your Honest Review is Important


Once you have read the book, please take a few minutes and write a brief positive review for Dani: Throwaway Child. It is greatly appreciated. You can click on the link below.  

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